Peer-reviewed study using CogniFit published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

New peer-reviewed study using CogniFit published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

We are happy to announce that the scientific team at CogniFit got a new study published this month on the effectiveness of CogniFit. Science is the core foundation of our products and it is great to have an additional study that shows the benefits of using CogniFit brain fitness programs.

CogniFIt Science helping discover Neuroscience breakthroughs

The study “Does combined cognitive training and physical activity training enhance cognitive abilities more than either alone?” demonstrates that CogniFit brain training games improved cognitive function in healthy older adults whereas physical and aerobic activity did not bring about any cognitive improvements. Even when combining both physical and cognitive training, the physical activity part did not bring any cognitive improvement by itself.

Up to now, research in neuroscience had shown that cognitive training and physical exercise were the only proven ways to improve cognitive function. Most of those past studies, however, focused on younger populations. In reality, older subjects cannot cope with strenuous physical activity and require milder aerobic training. The present study shows that this type of milder physical training cannot improve cognitive abilities. In addition, some past studies have shown that at least one full year of aerobic training is required before a cognitive improvement can be achieved.

These new results, which show that only four months of brain training are sufficient to obtain significant cognitive gains, designate cognitive training as the most effective means known to science by which healthy older adults may improve cognition.

Cognitive training and aerobic training are known to improve cognitive functions. To examine the separate and combined effects of such training on cognitive performance, four groups of healthy older adults embarked on a 4 months cognitive and/or mild aerobic training. You can continue reading the study on the Frontiers website here.