The Sound of Change: Study Shows How Music Influences Cognitive Processes

A new study from the University of Jyväskylä reveals how our brains handle musical boundaries—the moments when one phrase ends, and another begins. The research highlights key differences between musicians and non-musicians, showing how expertise shapes auditory perception. These findings could lead to significant advances in cognitive science and music-based therapies.

Musical expertise changes how the brain processes music. Image by Freepik.

Led by Iballa Burunat, Daniel Levitin, and Petri Toiviainen, this study dives into brain activity during music listening. By scanning the brains of both musicians and non-musicians, the researchers uncovered how the brain responds to musical transitions. Their work offers important insights into the connection between musical expertise and brain function, with potential impacts on cognitive science, music therapy, and language processing.

A Unique Approach to Real-Life Music Listening

The study stands out for its focus on real-life music listening. Previous research often relied on simplified or artificial sound stimuli, which don’t capture the complexity of how we experience music in the real world. This study fills that gap by simulating natural music listening within a controlled lab environment.

Participants listened to music while inside an fMRI scanner, without being required to report their reactions. This method allowed researchers to monitor uninterrupted brain activity, providing a clearer view of how the brain processes musical boundaries. These boundaries are like invisible lines that divide music, similar to how punctuation separates sentences. Recognizing and processing musical boundaries is essential for understanding music’s structure and gaining both emotional and intellectual satisfaction from it. As Burunat explains, “Without discernible segments, music would lack a sense of form. It would feel like an endless, chaotic stream of sounds.”

How Do Musicians Hear Music Differently?

A key goal of the study was to determine how musical expertise affects the brain’s ability to process musical boundaries. Musicians, through extensive training, develop more refined auditory skills. These skills allow them to interpret music in more complex ways. The study aimed to find out if this expertise leads to different brain activity patterns compared to non-musicians.

Researchers divided participants into two groups: musicians with formal training and non-musicians with no specialized background. They expected to see different neural responses between the groups when processing musical boundaries. The results confirmed this, highlighting how musical expertise affects the brain’s ability to predict and handle changes in music.

What We Know About Music and the Brain So Far

This research builds on a larger body of studies focused on how the brain processes music. Earlier studies showed that humans naturally break music into phrases, much like how we break speech into sentences. This segmentation is critical for understanding and remembering music.

However, previous studies often used artificial sound sequences, leaving unanswered questions about how the brain processes more complex, real-world music. Many earlier studies also required participants to self-report their experiences while listening. This interruption to the natural listening process could affect the accuracy of the results.

This new study eliminates those issues. It used real-life music listening scenarios and removed the need for self-reports, resulting in a more accurate view of how our brains process music.

Key Findings: How Musical Training Shapes the Brain

The study revealed several important discoveries about how the brain processes musical boundaries. It also highlighted the differences between musicians and non-musicians in how they experience music.

Here are the four most significant findings:

  1. Musicians Show Specialized Brain Activity: Musicians displayed more specialized brain activity in regions like the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and posterior temporal cortex (PTC). These areas handle advanced auditory processing. This activity suggests that musicians can predict upcoming changes in music more effectively, allowing them to navigate transitions with greater ease.
  2. Non-Musicians Use Broader Neural Networks: Non-musicians, on the other hand, activated a more general neural network, including areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). These regions aren’t specialized for auditory processing but are part of a broader network that helps non-musicians make sense of musical transitions. Though less efficient than musicians’ networks, this system still enables non-musicians to process musical boundaries.
  3. The Brain Prepares for Musical Boundaries: As musical boundaries approach, the brain’s posterior auditory regions become active. This activation helps prepare the brain for the upcoming transition. Once the boundary is crossed, the middle and anterior auditory regions take over. These areas process the new musical phrase and integrate it into the listener’s understanding.
  4. Musicians Anticipate Transitions More Quickly: One of the study’s standout findings was that musicians’ brains activated earlier when processing musical boundaries. This early activation suggests that musicians can anticipate transitions more quickly than non-musicians. Their years of training help fine-tune neural circuits involved in auditory processing, giving them an advantage when navigating transitions.

Can Music Help Heal the Brain?

The study’s findings reach beyond music, offering valuable insights into cognitive science, language processing, and therapeutic applications.

Music and language share similarities in how the brain processes them. Both involve pattern recognition, prediction of upcoming changes, and segmentation of continuous information into meaningful chunks. Understanding how the brain handles musical boundaries could offer clues about how it processes other complex stimuli, such as speech or social interactions.

One exciting area for future research involves the potential of music-based therapies. Because musical expertise enhances the brain’s ability to process auditory information, music training might be used to improve cognitive skills in non-musicians or those with neurological conditions. Music therapy has already proven effective for treating speech and language disorders. This study adds further evidence that musical training could strengthen neural circuits related to memory, attention, and auditory processing.

The research also suggests that musical training might boost cognitive abilities beyond auditory skills. Brain regions responsible for memory and attention are activated during music listening, which means music could be used as a tool for cognitive training in other areas as well.

How Music Could Shape the Future of Cognitive Science

Looking forward, researchers plan to study how different types of music and levels of training affect the brain’s processing of musical boundaries. They hope to apply their findings in educational settings, where musical training could improve cognitive performance in students.

The potential applications for music therapy are equally exciting. By understanding how musical expertise affects brain responses, researchers may develop more targeted therapies for individuals recovering from brain injuries or struggling with cognitive disorders. Music could become a valuable tool in rehabilitation, helping rebuild and strengthen neural connections.

A New Era in Music Neuroscience

This study represents a major advance in our understanding of how the brain processes music, particularly when it comes to musical boundaries. By focusing on real-life music listening and comparing musicians to non-musicians, the research offers new insights into how expertise shapes auditory perception.

These discoveries open up exciting possibilities for future research in cognitive science, language processing, and music therapy. As scientists continue to explore the intricate relationship between music and the brain, this study provides a fascinating look into the neural processes that allow us to understand and enjoy the music we hear every day.