Medical Treatments, Cognition and Supportive Care

We are grateful to share this article from our collaboration partner, Nutrimarketing Innovation Alimentaire & Communication, signed by her CEO and Chairwoman, Beatrice de Reynal, a reference voice’ in French speaking and European Markets. Cognition and Nutrition go hand in hand from multiple value added axes. This is a translation to English, original French language article can be found here

Medical Treatments, Cognition and Supportive Care. Image by Freepik.

Anticancer treatments sometimes result in symptoms called “cognitive fog” or chemobrain, which can impact the daily lives of patients, sometimes for 5 years or more after treatments.

These cognitive disorders affect attention, performance in everyday tasks, cognitive abilities, but also occupational or social isolation that attempt to hide these deficiencies.

Neuropsychology tests show impairment of verbal memory, and working memory.

Neuroimaging shows a reduction in the brain’s grey matter and its volume itself.

Some researchers consider that these disorders are born from inflammatory processes triggered by anticancer treatments. Other researchers believe that treatments alter the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, which normally protects the brain against harmful agents, allowing undesirable substances to pass through.

What care is offered?

Physical activity and cognitive remediation are the first to be taken.

Cognitive remediation for post-cancer mental health uses personalised exercises to treat cognitive processes such as memory, attention and executive functions.

Advances in digital technology such as applications and software facilitate the achievement of cognitive exercises at home, tailored to everyone, allowing detailed monitoring of progress, as well as the possibility for neuropsychologists to implement personalised follow-up. This approach is based on neuroplasticity, i.e. the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new connections, which is essential for retrieving and improving cognitive functions. These innovations aim to recover affected capacities, which offers hope and significantly improves the quality of life of those affected.

I recommend COGNIFIT, an innovative evaluation and training system in several cognitive disciplines, adaptable to everyone. With robust scientific and clinical evidence, it is reliable and effective: as a welfare tool (final consumer version) and as diagnostic support tools for the professional (certified professional health, research or education versions). A monthly subscription allows you to do the activities at your own pace.

First, ask your researcher to register and engage in order to test you:

Other relevant tests (available online):

Article author: Béatrice de REYNAL, PhD Nutritionist.